This summer, The WildHearts Group collaborated with Procurement Leaders during Ovation. This is one of the world’s most renowned, progressive and...
This summer saw WildHearts return to The UK Houses of Parliament, accompanied by over 100 inspirational school students, alongside our closest...
Our culture is facing a mental health crisis. The stats make harrowing reading: In 2017, suicide was the most common cause...
In 2018 I was asked to introduce Ian Walker – Senior Director of Global Community Impact at Johnson & Johnson – at a...
Earlier this year, WildHearts achieved its goal of transforming one million lives. One of those lives was mine. Until recently, I...
In a recent interview with a procurement magazine, I discussed the importance of ‘Procuring with Purpose’. Buying from social enterprises enables...
In 2017 I set an ambitious goal; WildHearts would transform one million lives by the end of 2020. Earlier this year,...